Book an appointment
Use the form below to tell us about your legal inquiry, and we’ll call or email you back to schedule an appointment. To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day when classes are in session, or 1-3 business days when out of session. Please note that inquiring does not in itself create an attorney-client relationship, and that confidential information is usually best saved for the meeting itself.
If you are looking to bring other people to the office, please let us know if there are more than two others. If you would like your parents or another person to be able to speak with the attorney about the case, please go to the forms part of the site and fill out that form to bring with you to the appointment.
➤ location
Room 157 on the 1st Floor of the Memorial Union at the University of Maine campus in Orono
To get to the office, go to the basement of the Union, take a right in front of the Wade Center (commuter lounge), then go down the hallway to your left.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:30AM - 5PM
Please note these hours are when classes are in session, all other times are by appointment.
☎ Contact
(207) 581-1789